Welcome to the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church Website

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, February 11
6:30 pmBible Study at the FLC
Wednesday, February 12
6 pm6pm convention mag region 6
6:30 pmChoir Practice at Holy Cross Chapel
Saturday, February 15
8:30 amPhiloptochos Valentine Baking
10:30 amGreek School at FLC
Sunday, February 16
9 amOrthros at Annunciation Church
10 amDivine Liturgy at Annunciation Church
11 amValentine Sweet Sale-Philoptochos
Monday, February 17
6:30 pmPickleball at FLC
Tuesday, February 18
6:30 pmBible Study at the FLC
Wednesday, February 19
6:30 pmChoir Practice at Holy Cross Chapel
Thursday, February 20
7 pmConversational Greek Adult Classes FLC
Saturday, February 22
10 amDivine Liturgy at Holy Cross Chapel
10:30 amGreek School at FLC
11 amOrthodox Action Soup Kitchen and St. Basil Food Pantry

Click here to visit the Church Calendar


Services Schedule

Sunday services are at Annunciation Church: Orthros (Matins): 9:00 am - Divine Liturgy: 10:00 am
Sunday School: Immediately following Holy Communion

For more information on our services schedule please see the Upcoming Events on this page or contact the Church office at (716) 882-9485 between the hours of 9:00am-4:00pm, Monday through Friday.


Our prayers can be for our personal needs or for those of our family and friends. They can be for the memory of our loved ones, for protection and safety, or as a prayer of thanksgiving. Click here to Light a Candle.




Online Chapel